Workshops & Main Stage Presented by
Merrimack Room
11:30 Baby Registries
12:00 Milk Bank Northeast
12:30 The Bradley Method
1:00 Skin to Skin
1:30 Pumping 101
2:00 Dancing for Birth
2:30 10 Steps for a Blissful Birth
3:00 "Life Line" Delayed Cord Clamping
Main Stage
11:15 Welcome
11:20 Concord Pediatric Dentistry
12:00 Babywearing 101
12:15 Cloth diapering
12:30 Dou-what? What's a Doula?
12:45 NH Children's Trust
1:15 Baby Moves
1:45 Infant Massage
2:00 Hoop Dance Demo
2:15 VBAC- Facts
2:45 Natural Living with Essential Oils
3:15 Baby Gear Demos
3:30 Raffle Giveaways
Check out these awesome informative workshops!
Baby Registry
Whether you are expecting your first, second, third, or even 5th child come by and find out why creating a baby registry can be beneficial for you! The registry workshop will go over all the benefits you receive when having a baby registry with Babies R Us as well as give you the opportunity to get yours started at the expo. Attendees will even have the option to add items at the expo to get started. Registrants who choose to start their registry at the expo will receive the new registrant gift bag as well as a free bib!
Infant Dental Care Presented By Concord Pediatric Dentistry!
Do you wonder about your child’s milestones? Are you expecting a “bundle of joy”? Do you want to know how to meet other parents your age? Do you wonder how you’re going to pay all the bills? Do you wonder why your baby is crying so much? There’s an answer to all of these questions. Home Visitors in NH are professionals who spend their days answering parents’ questions and connecting them to other parents, or financial resources they may need. Learn more about how you can connect with a home visitor in your area!
The Bradley Method
The Bradley Method teaches relaxation skills, exercises, and good nutrition that are vital to a foundation for healthy birth. The mother’s partner is educated to be a birth coach, learning multiple techniques to support the mother. Understanding physiology, routine procedures, and one’s options facilitate a confident labor and delivery. Through 12 classes, parents-to-be have time to internalize tools for birth and beyond. Classes emphasize the importance of a well-prepared, invested partner and supportive birth team. At the NH Mama & Birth Expo, New Hampshire’s two Bradley teachers, Kaedra and Rebekah, will present information on classes in The Bradley Method. Come chat with them about staying healthy and low-risk, your partner’s role in pregnancy, labor & delivery, the emotional journey of labor, and fully owning your birth in its uniqueness.
Skin-to-Skin Contact: The Benefits Beyond Bonding and Attachment
You've probably heard of Skin-to-Skin contact, but few moms are aware of the many physiologic benefits that the practice offers. Did you know it takes only 60 minutes on mom's skin for baby to receive accelerated brain development, increased immunity, regulated heart rate + breathing and improve their quality of sleep, among others? The benefits aren't limited to baby, as mom experiences a faster recovery, reduces the risk of postpartum depression and increases her milk supply if she is breastfeeding.
Hope Parish PA-C, and Daniela Jensen are USIKC certified Kangaroo Care/ Skin-to-Skin educators and the founders of NüRoo Baby.
They are qualified to speak to the practice of Kangaroo Care, as well as offer the most current research and science behind why baby loves being on your skin. They deliver exciting evidence-based content in an engaging way tailored to suit a variety of audiences – from moms to hospital staff and everyone inbetween.
They participate in educational webinars,
write as expert guest bloggers, offer instructional training to parent/prenatal groups and more.
Dancing for Birth ™
Dancing for Birth incorporates dance movements from around the world that best prepare you to give birth and get back in shape after your baby is born. You’ll become stronger, more agile, more at ease with your body – mentally and physically ready to embrace your unique birth experience.
Dancing for Birth ™ moms report experiencing lower levels of discomfort, fewer interventions, shorter labors and higher levels of satisfactions during their births. It’s a feel-good workout that challenges yet relaxes and uplifts you! No experience necessary!
Baby Moves
Ever wonder why some babies scoot while others crawl? Or how some skip crawling and head straight for walking? Each of these physical stages have purpose and are extremely important to developmental growth. In Baby Moves, Dr. Erica, a pediatric and pregnancy care specialist from Awakening Chiropractic, describes the proper order of physical development, warning signs of abnormal behavior, and the "why" behind the importance of each milestone!
Cloth Diaper 101
Come and learn all about cloth diapers and how easy they are to use. We will go over basic styles, care & Use, Trouble shooting and wash routines. Come with questions leave with answers on how easy cloth diapers are to use. Worried about dunking diapers or pins no problem!
Join Marie Griffin of Petit Enfant Baby Planning as she shares how babywearing saved her sanity. During this workshop, we'll discuss the benefits of babywearing along with the advantages of the most common carrier types. If you've ever asked yourself, "how do I put this thing on?", then have no fear. We'll demonstrate techniques on how to safely wear your baby for napping, outdoor activities, breastfeeding and beyond!
The Doula Difference
Did you know that doulas attend ALL types of births? Did you know that having a birth doula support you and your family is connected to much lower intervention rates and much HIGHER maternal satisfaction with the birth experience? Check out this workshop all about doulas and why hiring one could be the best decision you make in preparing for your birth! Learn some tricks of the trade and about other ways you can find support during your pregnancy, birth and postpartum time.
Pumping 101
-a review of pump parts, flange size and fit
-how to clean parts
-how to clean pump parts -how to effectively pump
-what a typical work day will look like for a pumping mom
-how to manage your supply
-bottles and nipples
-online and in person resources
Take these breasts to the bank:
why donating breastmilk is important, and how you can help
Touch is very important for babies. Some of the most enjoyable times for you and your baby come through closeness and cuddling. Infant massage has many benefits, one of the most important being the strengthening of the bonding process for both parents and baby.
Research shows that infants who receive regular massage reap many benefits. It has been confirmed that these babies eat and sleep better then those who don't, and infant massage can help reduce colic and constipation. Massage helps parents communicate with their baby, to ensure a lasting and deep connection.
Massage can play an important role in physical development, having major health advantages. It appears regular infant massage encourages better, more efficient absorption of food, and massaged babies suffered less anxiety and were more responsive and alert.
As the mother of a six year old, I have used massage on her since she was born and have seen these benefits first hand. I'm excited to share what I know and have learned through research, classes and hands on experience. The power of touch and connection are literally at our finger tips, and can play a role in bringing up a generation of aware beings, ready to make the world a better place.
“Life Line”
Delayed Cord Clamping. This workshop will cover the physiology of the umbilical cord and its function before and after birth. We will cover why waiting to cut the cord makes sense, and the cultural and personal preferences around cord clamping and cutting.
Sherry A. Stevens, CPM, NHCM is a homebirth midwife living in practicing in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire. She is active in the NH Midwifery Association, and has coordinated several regional conferences for MANA. She has four grown children.
Natural Living with Essential Oils
an introduction to therapeutic-grade essential oils and applications - natural remedies for pregnancy, childbirth and children.
Hula Hoop Demo
These aren't your childhood hula hoops! Come check out our handmade sparkly hula hoops. Anyone can hoop them! It's fun and you work your body at the same time! We have kids hoops too!
With the cesarean section rate in this country in the high 30% and 40% in some regions or hospitals, many women find themselves pregnant again with a well healed “smile” scar at their bikini line, wondering if it the old adage “once a C-section, always a C-section” really is true. There are risks inherent in all birth, no matter where it takes place. The concept of “informed choice” is a very important tool that we as midwives use to help families make the right choice about type and venue for their birth, and VBAC is no exception. The risks associated with VBAC, in or out of hospital, are well defined and rare, if serious. There are also risks associated with repeat cesarean sections. We will look at the risks and compare them to other risks that women and families make decisions about in order to bring their children into the world according to their deepest held convictions and according to their best understanding of the currently available, and high quality facts. We will review the characteristics that define WHO is an excellent candidate for VBAC, in and out of hospital. And we will diffuse the myths that lead to fear of this reasonable choice, for the right mother to make for herself, her baby and her family.
10 Steps to a Blissful Birth
Learn 10 simple steps to ground yourself, connect with you baby and have a Blissful Birth!
Join Babies R US for a baby gear demo!
Will be raffling off a BOB Stroller!