Workshops Presented By:
2015 Workshop Schedule
Merrimack Room
12:30-12:55 Real Talk about the Transition into Motherhood with Taylor Davis from New Mama Project and Taylor Davis Doula Services
1:00-1:25 How to Have an Awesome Birth
1:30-1:55 Prenatal Yoga
2:00-2:25 Infant Massage
2:30-2:50 How Can a Postpartum Doula Care Assist Your Family to Meet Its Nursing Goals?
3:00-3:20 Vaccines – Decisions during pregnancy, post-partum and for your newborn.
3:25- 3:45 The Emotional Journey of Labor
Concord Room
12:30-12:55 Cord Blood Banking 101
1:00-1:25 So You've Been Told Your Baby Might Have a Tongue Tie! What Next?
1:30-1:55 How Money Works - What Every Parent Needs To Know.
2:00-2:25 Pumping 101
2:30-2:50 Essential Oils for mom and baby
3:00-3:45 Baby Wearing &Cloth diaper 101
Check out these informative free workshops!
Cord Blood Banking 101
Cord blood is the blood that remains in your newborn's umbilical cord after birth. It contains stem cells that can be banked for future use in a variety of medical treatments for life-threatening diseases such as genetic diseases, cancers and blood disorders. Should there be a need, your baby will have a source of stem cells that is an exact match, with no risk of rejection. This workshop will discuss benefits and options for choosing to store your newborn's cord blood.
How to Have An Awesome Birth!
Join the Doulas of Granite State Maternal Wellness as we share our top 10 tips to Have an Awesome Birth! All attendees will receive our FREE Guidebook, How to have an Awesome Birth, our top 10 tips for a confident & supported Awesome Birth!
How Can a Postpartum Doula Care Assist Your Family to Meet Its Nursing Goals?
Today’s families know it’s best for Mom to nurse their baby. Family physical and emotional support often helps overcome the challenges. Debbie Chalk is a Certified Postpartum Doula through CAPPA (Childbirth and Postpartum Professional Association). Debbie has the experience of seven years as a grandmother, thirty five years of obstetrical nursing and fourteen years as a lactation consultant. More importantly, she has a heart for the sometimes overwhelming and continual busyness of the family caring for a new infant. Debbie was excited to learn there was a way to help and care for families in the role of a Postpartum Doula.
Prenatal Yoga
Join Jen, Founder of the NH Mama & Baby Expo and Owner of Granite State Maternal Wellness for a Prenatal Yoga Session! Prenatal yoga is safe to practice throughout your pregnancy (clearing any medical issues with your care provider). We begin each practice with an informal chat about what you're experiencing and will experience during labor & birth, then move into a guided meditation & yoga poses for pregnancy and end with Shavasana.
Infant Massage
Touch is very important for babies. Some of the most enjoyable times for you and your baby come through closeness and cuddling. Infant massage has many benefits, one of the most important being the strengthening of the bonding process for both parents and baby.
Research shows that infants who receive regular massage reap many benefits. It has been confirmed that these babies eat and sleep better then those who don't, and infant massage can help reduce colic and constipation. Massage helps parents communicate with their baby, to ensure a lasting and deep connection.
Massage can play an important role in physical development, having major health advantages. It appears regular infant massage encourages better, more efficient absorption of food, and massaged babies suffered less anxiety and were more responsive and alert.
As the mother of a six year old, I have used massage on her since she was born and have seen these benefits first hand. I'm excited to share what I know and have learned through research, classes and hands on experience. The power of touch and connection are literally at our finger tips, and can play a role in bringing up a generation of aware beings, ready to make the world a better place.
Real Talk about the Transition into Motherhood with Taylor Davis from New Mama Project and Taylor Davis Doula Services
The transition into motherhood and early postpartum days can be challenging. Many mothers feel pressure to keep up the facade that caring for a newborn and adjusting to their new role is purely blissful and easy. If you have a newborn or an infant, come share your truths about your postpartum challenges and hear some ideas for building your social support network and practicing self-care. If you are pregnant, join us to gather valuable information so that your postpartum emotions don't take you by surprise."
Vaccines – Decisions during pregnancy, post-partum and for your newborn.
* Learn about what vaccines may be recommended
* Learn the unknowns and ongoing studies
* Your rights and responsibilities
* Your birth plan
* Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)
* Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP)
* Questions and Answers
Laura Condon is a volunteer advocate who is passionate about health with a special interest in healthy lifestyles, natural healing and vaccine choice. Her interest in vaccines and vaccination policy spans some 34 years from when she first worked with vaccine injured children. It is her mission to help share the facts about vaccines so that parents and others will have the resources and information they need to make informed decisions about this medical procedure.
Laura can frequently be heard on local radio or seen in published letters and articles in NH newspapers. She has discussed and debated the issue of vaccines on community TV.
She invites you to visit her Facebook page, VaxChoiceNH and welcomes your questions and concerns. In 2011 she was named a NH Director of Advocacy for the National Vaccine Information Center. In July 2014 she was appointed to the Board of Directors of the NH Vaccine Association.
You Ate What...? The benefits of Placenta Encapsulation
You may have heard, by now, of the growing number of women who are choosing to consume their placentas after delivery. From smoothies, to capsules and tinctures, this ancient practice has moved from a relatively quiet trend among the birth fanatics and crunchy families, to a commonplace postpartum recovery technique being used all types of mothers. So, what exactly is involved, and why in the world are so many women doing this? Join us for a discussion on all things placenta! We will cover some of the uses, myths, and practices involving placentas from around the world and throughout human history. Learn all about the many benefits modern women,and science, are finding to support some of these practices. We will also cover what is involved in current encapsulation techniques, the benefits to each method, and the ways a trained encapsulator can help you safely turn your placenta into capsules, tinctures, beautiful art prints, lotions, creams and, yes, even smoothies.
Essential Oils for Mom & Baby
Using essential oils can be a safe, natural option to protect and maintain your and your family's health. doTERRA offers a large selection of natural wellness products for a customizable health and beauty routine that's right for you.
Join us as we...
- Learn to use essential oils safely and effectively
- Sample and experience the purity and potency of doTERRA products
- Learn how doTERRA empowers families to maintain health in a natural way
The first 10 participants to arrive on time will receive a free 5 mL Wild Orange.
How Money Works - What Every Parent Needs To Know.
The three root causes of the financial problems most families face are:
1. Failure to Plan
2. Uninformed
3. Misinformed
The How Money Works seminar will discuss the following topics:
* Do you know the rule of 72?
* Tax deferred vehicles... are you maximizing your options?
* College funding
* Are you paying off your debt in the best possible manner?
* Credit card traps exposed
* And much more.
Understand and apply these principles, and you could change the face of your financial situation.
Presented by: Dan Campagna
Regional Vice President, Primerica
Cloth Diaper 101
Come and learn all about cloth diapers and how easy they are to use. We will go over basic styles, care & Use, Trouble shooting and wash routines. Come with questions leave with answers on how easy cloth diapers are to use. Worried about dunking diapers or pins no problem!
Pumping 101
Please join Acelleron Medical Products, for an informative workshop all about pumping! Acelleron will talk about how to obtain your pump through insurance, the different models offered, the parts and set up of the pump, how the pump works, and going back to work and pumping.
The Emotional Journey of Labor
The Bradley Method teaches relaxation skills, exercises, and good nutrition that are vital to a foundation for healthy birth. The mother’s partner is educated to be a birth coach, learning multiple techniques to support the mother. Understanding physiology, routine procedures, and one’s options facilitate a confident labor and delivery. Through 12 classes, parents-to-be have time to internalize tools for birth and beyond. Classes emphasize the importance of a well-prepared, invested partner and supportive birth team. At the NH Mama & Birth Expo, New Hampshire’s two Bradley teachers, Kaedra and Rebekah, will present information on classes in The Bradley Method. Come chat with them about staying healthy and low-risk, your partner’s role in pregnancy, labor & delivery, the emotional journey of labor, and fully owning your birth in its uniqueness.