Workshops Presented by
11:30 New England Cord Blood Banking
11:45 Birth Plans: A Help or a Hindrance?
12:00 10 Steps to an Awesome Birth
12:15 Prenatal Yoga
12:45 Vaccines - Decisions during pregnancy, postpartum and for your newborn
1:00 Infant Massage
1:15 Carseat Safety 101
1:30 Cloth Diaper 101
1:45 Pregnancy and the Pelvic Floor
2:00 Babywearing
2:15 Pumping 101
2:30 Optimal Fetal Positioning
2:45 Natural Solutions for Healthy Living
3:00 3 Ways to Stay Comfortable During Labor
3:15 Baby Gear Workshop
3:30 Giveaway Drawing
Check out these awesome informative workshops!
Cord Blood Banking 101
Cord blood is the blood that remains in your newborn's umbilical cord after birth. It contains stem cells that can be banked for future use in a variety of medical treatments for life-threatening diseases such as genetic diseases, cancers and blood disorders. Should there be a need, your baby will have a source of stem cells that is an exact match, with no risk of rejection. This workshop will discuss benefits and options for choosing to store your newborn's cord blood.
10 Steps to an Awesome Birth & Prenatal Yoga
Birth Plans: A Help or a Hindrance?
Since its introduction in the 1980’s, the birth plan has grown wildly in popularity and controversy. The workshop will begin with a brief history of the birth plan, its inception through its use in current obstetrical practice. The birth plan was conceived as a means for the mother-to-be to examine her beliefs regarding birth and as a tool for her to facilitate conversation with her caregiver(s). The workshop will examine whether or not the birth plan fulfills its intended function, and what the future holds for this popular and controversial tool.
Vaccines – Decisions during pregnancy, post-partum and for your newborn.
* Learn about what vaccines may be recommended
* Learn the unknowns and ongoing studies
* Your rights and responsibilities
* Your birth plan
* Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)
* Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP)
* Questions and Answers
Laura Condon is a volunteer advocate who is passionate about health with a special interest in healthy lifestyles, natural healing and vaccine choice. Her interest in vaccines and vaccination policy spans some 34 years from when she first worked with vaccine injured children. It is her mission to help share the facts about vaccines so that parents and others will have the resources and information they need to make informed decisions about this medical procedure.
Laura can frequently be heard on local radio or seen in published letters and articles in NH newspapers. She has discussed and debated the issue of vaccines on community TV.
She invites you to visit her Facebook page, VaxChoiceNH and welcomes your questions and concerns.
In 2011 she was named a NH Director of Advocacy for the National Vaccine Information Center.
In July 2014 she was appointed to the Board of Directors of the NH Vaccine Association.
Infant Massage
Touch is very important for babies. Some of the most enjoyable times for you and your baby come through closeness and cuddling. Infant massage has many benefits, one of the most important being the strengthening of the bonding process for both parents and baby.
Research shows that infants who receive regular massage reap many benefits. It has been confirmed that these babies eat and sleep better then those who don't, and infant massage can help reduce colic and constipation. Massage helps parents communicate with their baby, to ensure a lasting and deep connection.
Massage can play an important role in physical development, having major health advantages. It appears regular infant massage encourages better, more efficient absorption of food, and massaged babies suffered less anxiety and were more responsive and alert.
As the mother of a six year old, I have used massage on her since she was born and have seen these benefits first hand. I'm excited to share what I know and have learned through research, classes and hands on experience. The power of touch and connection are literally at our finger tips, and can play a role in bringing up a generation of aware beings, ready to make the world a better place.
Carseat Safety 101
This workshop will cover the following: how to properly install and use various car seats, the different types of car seats available, commonly made errors and how to easily correct them, appropriate cold weather options, and more! Our kids are our most precious cargo, and this workshop will help you learn how to keep them as safe as possible. This workshop will be run by a nationally certified Child Passenger Safety Technician.
Cloth Diaper 101
Come and learn all about cloth diapers and how easy they are to use. We will go over basic styles, care & Use, Trouble shooting and wash routines. Come with questions leave with answers on how easy cloth diapers are to use. Worried about dunking diapers or pins no problem!
Caroline Sweet is a new mom of a sweet 10 month old baby girl and the co-founder of the New Hampshire Mama & Baby Expo and a big fan of wearing her baby! During her Baby Wearing Workshop, she will be sharing the many benefits of wearing your baby. Using dolls and real babies, she will also demonstrate how to use a variety of slings, wraps and carriers. Caroline will also be sharing helpful websites and advice so that you can easily make your own ring sling at home!
Pregnancy and the Pelvic Floor
The pelvic floor is an amazing structure that must balance strength and flexibility to both support a growing pregnancy and allow the process of birth. This workshop will discuss pelvic floor health and common concerns during pregnancy, postpartum, and beyond.
Pumping 101
Please join Holly, from Acelleron Medical Products, for an informative workshop all about pumping! Holly will talk about how to obtain your pump through insurance, the different models offered, the parts and set up of the pump, how the pump works, and going back to work and pumping.
How to have an easier Birth
Optimal Fetal Positioning helps both mom and baby work together to allow for the easiest labor possible. We use positioning in pregnancy and birth to alleviate aches and pains, allow for a smoother delivery and reduce the need for intervention. Learn how positioning and a Doula can help you have a better birth.
Join Amy from DoTERRA and learn how to...
- Relieve stress and anxiety
- Ease digestive upset (mommy and baby)
- Boost energy and immunity
- Soothe occasional aches and pains
- Support healthy weight
- Be prepared for life’s little emergencies and more!
3 Ways to Stay Comfortable During Labor
Please join Johanna Wright for this practical workshop on comfort measures to use during your labor. Johanna is a DONA certified birth doula who has helped dozens of families have more comfortable and satisfying birth experiences. She will show you how to mentally prepare for your birth, and how to relax and move once your labor begins.
Whether you are hoping to have a natural birth experience or just wondering how you are going to survive it all, this workshop will give you some great basics for a more comfortable labor experience!
Join Babies R US for a baby gear demo!
Will be giving away $150.00 Gift card!