Join us for our FREE Workshops
Presented by
Concord Birth Center & Awakening Chiropractic!
Merrimack Room
11:30-11:50 Infant Dental Care - presented by Concord Pediatric Dentistry
12:00-12:20 Waterbirth presented by Concord Birth Center
12:30-12:50 Herbs for the Childbearing Years
1:00-1:20 Family Wellness: The Chiropractic Approach
1:30-1:50 "Living Normal" in Pregnancy
2:00-2:20 Postpartum Doula Care
2:30-2:50 VBAC: Vaginal/Victorious Birth after Cesarean
3:00-3:20 Affordable Care Act & How to obtain a FREE Breast Pump
3:30-3:50 Life Line- delayed cord clamping
4:15-4:45 Nini Bambini- Toddlers & Tantrums
Pierce Room
11:30-11:50 Calm & Strong Kids Yoga
12:00-12:20 Bellydance Meditation for Birth & Beyond
12:30-12:50 Pregnancy Massage for Couples
1:00-1:20 Fit 4 Mom
1:30-1:50 Prenatal Yoga with Jenny Everett King
2:00-2:20 Babies-R-Us free in store workshops
2:30-2:50 Cloth Diapering 101
3:00-3:20 Placenta Healing
3:30-3:50 The Doula Difference
4:15-4:45 "Scarred Femininity"
Webster Room
2:00-2:20 NH Healthy Families
2:30-2:50 Infant Dental Care - presented by Concord Pediatric Dentistry
3:00-3:20 Midwifery Care Q & A
3:30-3:50 Coupon Professor
4:00-4:15 Raffle Drawings
4:15-4:45 Dayna Martin presents Un-schooling & Sexy Birth
Water Birth
Come explore the idea of water birth with Midwife, Cindy Owen, from the Concord Birth Center. We’ll discuss the benefits, and address the concerns, of using birth pools for labor and delivery. Bring your questions and join in the discussion with midwives who have been attending water births for many years.
Family Wellness: The Chiropractic Approach
Did you know that the pain and duration of labor can be reduced by regular chiropractic adjustments during pregnancy? Are you aware that colic, reflux, ear infections and asthma (among other childhood illnesses) are not normal and can be prevented in many cases? The body has an innate or inborn ability to heal itself naturally. Join Dr. Erica, of Awakening Chiropractic, as she describes how chiropractic care for the family can lead to optimal levels of health and wellness!
Affordable Care Act and how to obtain your free breast pump!
Did you know that health insurance companies are now required to cover the cost of a breast pump? Please join us for a workshop on the Affordable Care Act and how it applies to breast feeding families. Let Acelleron instruct you on how to obtain your breast pump without all the hassle of calling your insurance company. They will guide you through the step-by-step instructions and be there to answer any questions you might have. This workshop will display the three leading breast pump brands and inform you on which pump might be the best fit for your needs.
NH Midwifery Care Q & A Session
Meet the members of the NH Midwives association for an informal Q & A session.
Infant Dental Care Presented by Concord Pediatric Dentistry!
"Living Normal" in pregnancy
Women are bombarded with the do’s and don’ts of pregnancy, but does it really need to be so complicated and scary? Are there really so many rules to follow that women and their families need to live in a state of worry from conception to delivery? In this workshop I will review some of the common misconceptions related to nutrition and activities of daily living as well as explain how you can replace safer options for those that actually warrant avoidance.
Sarah Bay is a Certified Nurse Midwife and Advanced Practicing Registered Nurse with a private practice based in central southern New Hampshire. She primarily focuses on out of hospital birth including home and birth center births but also sees women for annual exams and primary care needs at her offices in Peterborough and Milford. Sarah has a steadfast commitment to keeping pregnancy normal and healthy with lifestyle, nutrition and supplementation counseling. She feels that when a woman is supported by her community and providers, and takes the time to care for her body and mind during pregnancy, she has the ability to work through labor and early parenting naturally and gracefully.
Herbs for the childbearing years
Anji Church CPM, NHCM, VTLM is a Home and birth Center Midwife specializing in Water birth, and VBAC. She has also studied, apprenticed and practiced as a community Herbalist for over 25 years. She is the owner of Heart Thoughts Midwifery and Heart Thoughts Herbals. Anji’s career began as the mother of 4 home educated sons. Midwifery, Herbalism, and the power of Education are thee foundation of Anji’s care.
"Scarred Femininity" workshop will focus on techniques for healing from previous traumas for both expecting mothers and birth workers. Drawing from a history with the European methods of rebirthing as well as her own experience as a Sacred Pregnancy Instructor, Katie McCall will offer insight into paths of healing for women of all backgrounds.
Katharine McCall is a Certified Professional Midwife, doula, childbirth and breastfeeding educator and Sacred Pregnancy Instructor who has been advocating for the desires of mothers since her first child's birth. She has had two births of her own, one in the hospital and one at home-- both with midwifery care. Her experience with her own births helped solidify the foundation and intention to support families during the transitions that accompany the childbearing years. Katie has attended over 500 births in homes, hospitals and birth centers and has taught over a thousand pregnant women in her classes. She believes very strongly that childbirth is a unique journey that is best traveled with the support of a strong community and support system. She brings with her, not only her own wisdom, but also the wisdom of her mentors. Katie McCall is a midwife who currently serves south-western NH and central MA
“Life Line”
Delayed Cord Clamping. This workshop will cover the physiology of the umbilical cord and its function before and after birth. We will cover why waiting to cut the cord makes sense, and the cultural and personal preferences around cord clamping and cutting.
Sherry A. Stevens, CPM, NHCM is a homebirth midwife living in practicing in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire. She is active in the NH Midwifery Association, and has coordinated several regional conferences for MANA. She has four grown children.
VBAC: Vaginal/Victorious Birth after Cesarean
With the cesarean section rate in this country in the high 30% and 40% in some regions or hospitals, many women find themselves pregnant again with a well healed “smile” scar at their bikini line, wondering if it the old adage “once a C-section, always a C-section” really is true. There are risks inherent in all birth, no matter where it takes place. The concept of “informed choice” is a very important tool that we as midwives use to help families make the right choice about type and venue for their birth, and VBAC is no exception. The risks associated with VBAC, in or out of hospital, are well defined and rare, if serious. There are also risks associated with repeat cesarean sections. We will look at the risks and compare them to other risks that women and families make decisions about in order to bring their children into the world according to their deepest held convictions and according to their best understanding of the currently available, and high quality facts. We will review the characteristics that define WHO is an excellent candidate for VBAC, in and out of hospital. And we will diffuse the myths that lead to fear of this reasonable choice, for the right mother to make for herself, her baby and her family.
Dr. Kathryn Cranford graduated from Bastyr University in WA State in 2001 as a licensed naturopathic doctor and naturopathic childbirth practitioner or ND Midwife. Her knowledge of herbal, homeopathic and general naturopathic medical practice is closely woven throughout her practice of midwifery. She is also an NHCM (NH certified Midwife) and CPM (Certified Professional Midwife). She has been practicing midwifery for 12 years in Maine and New Hampshire. Her independent study at the end of her ND Midwifery training was on the safety of homebirth VBAC (Vaginal Birth after Cesarean). Since delving into the research related to VBAC, Dr. Cranford has been passionate about defending the right of women to choose homebirth VBAC if they are excellent candidates. Kathryn also has a seven year old daughter who was born at home in a tub in her living room with her husband and midwife / best friend attending.
Dayna Martin is an author of the books, "Sexy Birth," and "Radical Unschooling: A Revolution Has Begun". She is a childbirth educator, doula and speaker who shares about natural birth, peaceful parenting and Unschooling. She has been inspiring others for over a decade through her articles, videos books and television appearances and radio interviews. Dayna loves to share about her joyful and unique life with her loving husband and four joyful and free children.
What is Unschooling? In this workshop we will explore the idea of natural and free learning. Where children learn what they live, our culture is giving a mixed message to parents and children. Dayna will share why this is and offer you a new way to look at your role as a parent and give you many tools to bring more love, kindness and peace into your lives. She will also give you insight into how children learn and the many ways in which you can facilitate their learning through supporting their interests and passions in life.
Sexy Birth explores the many ways in which you can take responsibility for your birth. Dayna will share options and offer insight into how important it is to have good quality thoughts surrounding birth. Dayna will empower you to think of birth in a way that you may have never done before - as a continuum of sexuality that should be celebrated! You will be excited and empowered to give birth when you learn ways in which to change your thinking surrounding this incredible life experience - in partnership with your baby.
Introduction to New Hampshire Healthy Families – A Health Insurance Company for New Hampshire’s Medicaid Population
Are you a NH Medicaid client? Did you pick New Hampshire Healthy Families for your coverage?
Regardless of which health plan you picked or if you opted out for this year, this session will give you a chance to learn more about what Medicaid Managed Care can do for you and specifically the programs and extras New Hampshire Healthy Families offers. You will have a chance to get a better understanding of how Medicaid medical coverage works now. Also, you can find out about programs that support your healthy living! If you are new to NH Medicaid or not, new to NH Healthy Families or not, please join us!
For more information about NH healthy Families visit us at
The Doula Difference
Did you know that doulas attend ALL types of births? Did you know that having a birth doula support you and your family is connected to much lower intervention rates and much HIGHER maternal satisfaction with the birth experience? Check out this workshop all about doulas and why hiring one could be the best decision you make in preparing for your birth! Learn some tricks of the trade and about other ways you can find support during your pregnancy, birth and postpartum time.
Breastfeeding Basics
Breastfeeding has certainly been in the news lately. Studies continue to find more ways that breastfeeding improves the health of both mothers and babies. It saves money, and protects the environment by reducing the use of bottles, cans, packages, shipping and sterilizing required by formula use. It’s also convenient, allowing mother and baby to be out and about while carrying little more than a few diapers.
Although breastfeeding is the most natural way to feed and nurture your baby, it is also a skill that needs to be learned, much like walking and talking. Learning such skills is easier when there are experienced people around who can help you. Women once learned about breastfeeding by watching sisters, mothers and neighbors nurse their own children, but now many new mothers lack this support.
Come learn some basic tips about getting breastfeeding off to a good start, how to tell whether your breastfed baby is getting enough to eat, and how to adapt to your newly expanded family.
Calm & Strong Kids Yoga (with Jillian Randel of Jeca Yoga)
Send your child on a fun and relaxing journey as they explore the benefits of yoga through centering breathing techniques and fun yoga animal poses. This introductory workshop will finish off with a short guided imagery meditation to help regulate and calm the nervous system. A regular yoga practice teaches children to calm their emotions through self-reflection and regulation, build healthier and stronger bodies, and cultivate a sense of confidence and self-acceptance as they grow in each moment. Children ages 5 through 12 are welcome to participate.
Prenatal Yoga
Ease the stresses and discomforts of pregnancy while preparing your body and mind for birth. Prenatal yoga uses traditional yoga poses, but modifies them to suit the expectant mother. Prenatal yoga keeps your core muscles toned, encourages correct balance and posture as your body's alignment changes, enhances circulation to your hands and feet, and helps release tension in your hips, shoulders, neck, and back. Each class opens with a guided meditation and ends with a supported savasana (final relaxation) to help you quiet your mind and feel more deeply connected to your baby.
How CanPostpartum Doula Care Assist Your Family to Meet Its Nursing Goals?
Today’s families know it’s best for Mom to nurse their baby. Family physical and emotional support often helps overcome the challenges. Debbie Chalk is a Certified Postpartum Doula through CAPPA (Childbirth and Postpartum Professional Association). Debbie has the experience of seven years as a grandmother, thirty five years of obstetrical nursing and fourteen years as a lactation consultant. More importantly, she has a heart for the sometimes overwhelming and continual busyness of the family caring for a new infant. Debbie was excited to learn there was a way to help and care for families in the role of a Postpartum Doula.
Belly Dance for Birth & Beyond
Belly dance as a woman's dance was originally by women for women, from grandmothers to young children, each generation passing down this celebration of sacred feminine sensuality that emulates the movements of the uterus in childbirth. During birth the women of the tribe would support the birthing mother by forming a circle around her and sway rhythmically in the dance to entrance her laboring body to move with the contractions rather than fight them.
Join us as we support each other by creating our own tribal circle and participate in the dance, empowering our own divine feminine wherever we are in the cycle of maiden, mother and crone.
Pregnancy massage for couples
This workshop is intended to give partners a way to become more involved in the progress of pregnancy. It's a great way to connect with your baby though touch and help comfort mom through the ever evolving stages of birth. It is my hope, that this class will help the expecting couple ,co-create a healthier baby, and take better care of mothers throughout their pregnancy.
By teaching fathers to be , how to properly apply massage techniques, I hope to empower the expectant father, and give him a more prominent roll in pregnancy and the birth process. Prenatal massage can bring a couple closer, and encourage dad to bond with his unborn child with confidence. It can also be used during labor to help ease back pain, and reassure the laboring women.
This class is designed to teach the fundamentals of pregnancy massage to those with little to no experience. You will walk away with a basic knowledge of the simplest, safest ,most effective techniques,to treat the normal discomforts of pregnancy.
Prenatal massage is not new. It is a time honored and tested tradition of people all around the world. Come join me on informative journey into the wonderful world of massage, and see what your hands are capable of.
Benefits of the Placenta for Postpartum Healing
Your amazing placenta is what nourishes and supports your baby for 9 months, but its job is not over once it has been birthed. Placenta encapsulation and tincture are a way for a new mother to reap the benefits of her placenta and help make a smoother transition into motherhood. Placenta specialist Stacey Beeley-De Almo will explain: A brief history of the use of placenta for postpartum healing What benefits placenta encapsulation has to offer Why it works for postpartum recovery The benefits of using Raw or TCM methods of encapsulation Followed by a question & answer period.
Coupon Professors - Get ready to save money! Our family of 6 has gone from $350 a week to under $100 a week. I'll share some tips with you on saving money at the grocery store, drugstores and big box stores! With growing families, we need to save all the money we can.
Cloth 101 What your Grandmother never told you!
Cloth 101 What your Grandmother never told you!
-Come and learn all about cloth diapers and how easy they are to use. We will go over basic styles, care & Use, Trouble shooting and wash routines. Come with questions leave with answers on how easy cloth diapers are to use. Worried about dunking diapers or pins no problem!
Fit 4 Mom
We will begin with our Fit4Baby demo. Those attending are encouraged to participate in a 10 minute Fit4Baby class. Fit4Baby is a program designed to strengthen the body for all the changes it will experience during pregnancy. The class normally runs 60 minutes but today you will get a 10 minute sneak peek. A full length class includes cardio, strength, flexibility, and balance training. Fit4Baby is designed to accommodate all stages of pregnancy and various fitness levels. These classes are for moms only (for today's purposes anyone is welcome).
We will finish the workshop with a 10 minute demo of a Stroller Strides class. Due to space restrictions, the instructor will be the only one doing the exercises for this portion of the workshop. Stroller Strides is also a 60 minute class, however, for today's workshop it will be broken down into a 10 minute segment. Stroller Strides is a total fitness program that moms can do with their babies (ages 6 weeks to 4 years). It includes power walking, strength intervals, and body toning using body weight, exercise bands, the stroller, and the environment. Instructors weave songs and activities into class as well to keep the children content. It's a great work-out for any level exerciser.
At the end of each segment we will answer any questions the attendees may have and we will hand out Free Class Passes.