Pepper Sky!
Hi! I'm Angie and I run Pepper Skye. Some of you may be familiar with our products already, but for those who aren't, here's a quick rundown. Pepper Skye was created in November of 2012 when our daughter Pepper was 8 months old. My husband is from England and bandana bibs were starting to be a big thing over there. We created something similar but used fleece on the back. Most people may not know that fleece is a moisture barrier.
I started sewing bibs and we used them on Pepper, but I was a bit skeptical. How could a bit of fabric and some fleece keep her shirt dry? The ultimate test came when Pepper was cutting her 4 molars, a bottom tooth and she had a cold so was breathing through her mouth a lot. Yep, you guessed it - slobber central! I put a bib on and got busy and forgot about it. An hour so later I checked her shirt. The fabric was soaked, the fleece was a bit damp BUT her shirt was dry. No more changing wet shirt after wet shirt!
Our bibs are cut like a bandana shape so they're trim and don't hang down and get in the way when your child is playing. They are stylish so they can be worn to soak up slobber or just as a fashion statement. We even use plastic, color coordinated snaps. We have many prints available but are open to doing custom orders if you have a certain print in mind. And good news for you busy parents! Our bibs are super easy to care for. Just wash and dry with your regular laundry.
We also make diaper wallets. Great for tossing in the car or stroller instead of taking your whole diaper bag. They hold a travel size packet of wipes and 4-5 diapers. It won't be available for the Expo but we have one in the works for cloth diapers. These will have a "wet side" made of PUL to put wet/dirty diapers in.
We hope to see you at the NH Mama Baby Expo. Stop by our table and get a deal - buy 3 bibs and get 1 free!