Usborne Books & More
Usborne Books & More is the 2014 Publisher of the Year, with over 1700 titles for ages infant to teen-aged. Every book is high-quality, educational, fun, & unique. We are on a mission to fight the illiteracy crisis in this country & by bringing these amazing books into the hands of children we are winning that fight! Usborne only publishes non-commercialized books that encourage our children to think outside that "box"- We want our children to imagine, to dream, to wonder, & to take that leap!
We have 100's of choices specifically for babies. Statistics show it is proven fact that reading to our children from a very young age, as early as in the womb, will help foster a love & enjoyment for reading for the rest of their lives. Reading aloud to your children from before birth & onward increases intelligence & builds that thirst & capacity for knowledge in the future. Our baby books include many vital elements for the learning process. We have touchy feely books, noisy books, Listen & Learn, and so much more, that incorporate all the those early learning skills babies & toddlers need.
Now booking parties- I offer quick & easy virtual Facebook parties, catalog parties, or home shows! Earn FREE books for your own family!
I am a Supervisor & a local Educational Consultant- I can also offer story-times at your establishment for traffic increase, book fairs at your school or daycare, fundraising for your organization, & so much more!
This is a home based business. It is a wonderful way for us Mamas to promote literacy, earn money, feel empowered, build our children's home library, & do it all from home with our children right next to us. There is also the opportunity to work with schools & libraries- book fairs & fundraising is another aspect to this business that is so rewarding! I highly encourage all fellow Mamas to join me in this amazing adventure!
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Call or Text: (603) 833-7285