Birthwise Midwifery School is a three-year school founded in Bridgton, Maine in 1994. Built on the principles of female empowerment, natural birth, and skilled professionalism, it offers one of the first comprehensive training programs for direct-entry midwives in the United States. The program is accredited by the Midwifery Education Accreditation Council and licensed by the Maine Department of Education.
Midwives and nurse midwives still deliver the majority of babies worldwide, although not in North America. That midwives are missing from developed countries like the United States is surprising, considering numerous studies confirm that homebirth is as safe as hospital birth.
At Birthwise, we believe skilled midwives are the answer to broken maternity systems in North America and, more generally, around the world. Our alumni practice internationally in diverse communities, bringing competent care to mothers who chose to birth naturally at home or in a birth center or hospital.
As an institution, Birthwise works to improve the maternity culture here in the United States. Our staff is actively involved in beneficial political campaigns, notably the ongoing campaign to license midwives in the state of Maine (our bill just passed the Maine Senate and House on April 7th). The school also publishes Midwifery Matters, an academic journal for midwives, to showcase exceptional midwifery research.
Birthwise staff and students also provide competent, compassionate, affordable care to women in our state. Our student-led, midwife-supervised community clinic offers a range of services, from Well Body exams to STI screenings. Women are also welcome to give birth at The Birth House, our freestanding birth center in Bridgton.
Melissa Mayo
Office Manager
Birthwise Midwifery School
Circulation & Advertising
Midwifery Matters
M,T,Th,F 8am-3pm
tel:207-647-5968 ext:101