Doulas at Nini Bambini

Doulas at Nini Bambini

Allison Doherty, Certified Doula

Nini Bambini

Nini Bambini is a unique community and resource that has helped thousands of women, families and children. In addition to the classes, groups and boutique, Nini Bambini also offers a team of certified birth and postpartum doulas. The Doula Team at Nini Bambini are labor, birth and postpartum professionals who draw on their knowledge and expertise to assist women and families through pregnancy to the postpartum period. 

The amazing team of Birth Doulasholds space for the women and their partner to feel safe, empowered and supported. Their role on the birth team is to provide comfort strategies, emotional support and knowledge of the many different aspects of childbirth. 
The compassionate team of Postpartum Doulasassists the mother and family with the transition of welcoming the new little one home. They provide assistance in postpartum recovery, newborn care, emotional support and other various services. 

Every woman and family deserves a birth and postpartum doula!

Please contact us or join us for one of our complementary informal 

Meet the Doulas events held every month.

 Visit our website to view a current schedule and to register for this free event, 

or visit the “Nini Doulas” tab on our website to browse our doula team members’ profiles.



How an IBCLC is different from other lactation professionals, and when you should see one


Veronique R. Photography