Jen Middlemiss Jen Middlemiss

Birth... Trauma - That scary 6 letter word


Trauma. I know… it’s a scary, triggering and difficult topic. One many of us experience, but is hard to talk about… This scary 6 letter word, comes in many shapes and sizes, can stop you in your tracks and derail you for years… if gone untreated. 

Especially birth trauma.

This form I know so well. When I gave birth to my first son, in 1998, at the tender age of 17… I didn’t have a clue. About anything… 

Many years and four births later, I was able to see, it was the catalyst for the work I do today. I remember feeling completely traumatized after my first birth, alone, scared and not wanting anyone to experience what I just did. 

Women are experiencing trauma through the birth process every day.

Here in the United States 25- 34% of women report that their birth were traumatic. 1.5-9% of women who have experienced a traumatic birth will also develop PTSD. 

Signs of PTSD many include:

  • Intrusive re-experiencing of your birth

  • Flashbacks or nightmares

  • Avoidance of stimuli associated with the event, including thoughts, feelings, people, places and details of the event

  • Irritability, difficulty sleeping, hypervigilance, exaggerated startle response

  • Anxiety and panic attacks

  • Feeling a sense of unreality and detachment

Postpartum PTSD is temporary and treatable with professional help. 

For over twenty years I have been managing my own PTSD from birth traumas. I have sat with women who were healing their traumatic births, I have witnessed women being traumatized by their care providers. I have also seen women who have had a previous traumatic birth, give birth to their baby blissed out. Healing happens <3 

What are the long term effects of all this trauma?

This is a questions I ask myself all the time. What are the effects on the birthing person? What about their relationships… including their early relationship with their baby? What are the effects on the baby… now and in the future? 

What do the studies show us?

A few month ago, while I was researching, I stumbled upon the Neurodevelopment Institute of NH. They are a Manchester NH Based company doing groundbreaking research to answer these questions. 

NINH is conducting a research study to look at the impact of traumas and relationships. The goal of their research is to determine how these experiences are impacting future development, particularly with relationships and attachment styles and to see if Neurofeedback (a non-invasive, drug-free alternative therapy) can be used to help the brain learn and heal.

If any part of these words resonate with you… you are not alone. I see you. I feel you. I’ve got your back mama! 

If Midwifery school taught me anything… it’s we need the evidence. If you live in NH, Northern Mass, Vermont or Maine, and have experienced birth trauma. Please connect with NINH and learn more

This research will give us valuable information, that will someday be used, to change a lot of harmful practices… that are causing women unnecessary trauma.


NINH will be joining us for our Winter Event in Manchester NH. They will be on site, answering questions about the study and have a spot set up where you can enroll in this breakthrough study.

If you are not interested in the research study but want to connect to local resources check out our event December 8, 2019 in downtown Manchester! We are fortunate to have some amazing people helping moms like you, heal from birth trauma and feel whole again. <3 

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