We connect, support & educate the perinatal community!
Become a doula and start serving your community today! join the waitlist and be notified when the scholarship application is open!
Events, Trainings, Classes & Services
Doula & Birth worker TRAININGS
We are on a mission to build a community of support to protect the physical, emotional, & energetic integrity of the family.
We train trauma informed & evidence based community doulas and perinatal health workers. We also offer other continuing education opportunities both online and in person.
Full and portal scholarships for trainings are available!
We also offer 3 month doula mentorships, 24/7 support, including 3 certifying births! Click the button below to learn more.
WOMB Summit - Gathering of the Birth Keepers is coming soon!
EVENTS & Expos
Connecting you to products services and education that promote healthy pregnancy, birth and parenting! Inspired Birth & Baby Expo has recently partnered to create Inspiring Evolution Expo.
We are the largest and only event in the area providing you the opportunity to connect with hundreds of perinatal and holistic health professionals, modalities, classes, products and brands… in one afternoon.
We host regional events throughout NH with plans to expand in the future.
Each event is packed with vendors, free workshops, giveaways, new connections, information , education and more. Click on the button below to learn more.
Doula Pilot Program
Looking for a doula to attend your birth? Join our pilot program! Offering low to no cost doulas to NH families. Click here to learn more.
Midwifery Skills and Assistant Training
Interested in attending births as a Midwifery Assistant and/or want to improve your out of hospital birth skills? We are working on two opportunities in 2024 to become a Midwifery Assist and Midwifery Skills days.
Story Initiative
Storytelling is so healing. There is so much value in listening and sharing stories. Do you have a birth story to share? A story of your healing journey? From trauma, substance use or domestic violence? We are on a mission to normalize the discomfort that comes with this journey so no one feels alone. We are seeking brave people willing to share their story with the support of trauma informed support and mental health pros.
Want to share your story but don’t feel ready to share? We have a group of women waiting to read your experience for you. You are not alone and your story deserves to be heard.
Our story’s shape who we are… you never know who’s life you might impact by sharing your experience.
Natural Birth Education & 1 on 1 Coaching
Our Inspired Birth childbirth education series is a robust, self paced, trauma informed & evidenced based, online course created and taught by industry professionals, experienced midwives, doulas and childbirth educators.
It was created from the mindset of informed choice vs. informed consent. We take a deep dive into everything you need to prepare for the natural birth of your baby. In the comfort of your own home… when you are ready to dive into the information.
The course is presented in small digestible chunks with additional resources to explore.
If you or your partner need additional support during or after the class our team of coaches are available for 1 on 1 consultations.
“Transformation happens at the edge of your comfort zone.”
— Whapio