Reevaluating Self Care

Beyond the trending #selfcare, sometimes we have to wonder if self care is really any more than just bubble baths and ‘boundaries.’ As individual women, and in our wellness collaborative, we see ourselves and our community attempting to make space for self care.  It can be an elusive ideal, and difficult to define or execute in a way that authentically fills our cup. The reality is, there are different categories of care that require our attention and nourishment.

Looking at this through the lens of the ‘Wheel of Life’ can be a useful visualization. This is an opportunity to explore the various buckets we pour our cup into, and to evaluate the areas we are feeling stressed or blessed. A gentle reminder that not every (or any) category is only considered properly nourished if we rate them a 10/10, or to suggest that success, money or status dictate how ‘full’ we are feeling. This visual guide merely offers a snapshot of the different areas of self or life that are calling our attention, and which areas might require more of our care.

Take a few minutes to reflect on each area of your life shown in the wheel. Where do you feel most satisfied? Are there areas you’d find relief to see improvement or have support in? Visualize these areas and even physically shade in or circle how each scores in your life currently. Pro Tip: Consider taking a picture or screenshot of the wheel; do this assessment periodically and see how things evolve and shift as you make little, or big, adjustments.

While bubble baths and time to ourselves are valid, the reach of self care can go much deeper and wider if we allow it. The fullest form of self care you can work through is to consider your overall wellness: mind, body and soul.

Perhaps taking a class, joining a community support group, pursuing a life coach, an Airbnb getaway, scheduling a massage or reiki session are on your list. While we don’t underestimate the value of the trendy self care concepts we see most often, we recognize that there are many intricate layers to our wellness, and that sorting through those can be made just a bit easier with the support of a village. We’d be humbled if you’d let us be yours.

Wellness Village NH is a wellness collaborative located in Manchester, NH. We are a cultivated team of practitioners, gathered in a shared space, providing services that empower your balanced emotional, physical and mental wellness. In this warm and inviting space, we offer reiki treatment, therapeutic massage, biomagnetism treatments, doula services, education, and so much more. Thanks to our team's diverse backgrounds, we bring abundant modalities and perspectives. Through this, we have created a harmony of opportunities for education, connection and wellbeing.


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