Healthy Perspectives

The decision to have a child is a transformational time in a woman's life.  For most, pregnancy is a joyous period of enhanced well-being.  Families come together as they prepare to welcome a new child into the world.  For some, significant depression and anxiety can occur, especially if a history of mood disorders is present.  Care is available with documented effectiveness and shown to have a positive impact in the well-being of the mother and developing child.  Attending to the physical and psychological needs of the mother relates to better outcomes for the child as well as the entire family.

At Healthy Perspectives, we offer services to address the needs of pregnant women and their families.  Our services are centered around the unique needs of the person, respectful of her social and family values.

How we can help:

Individual Counseling - Life can be full of challenges and beautiful experiences.  Whether it is something that you are currently going through, or something resurfacing from the past, counseling can be a helpful tool to get you back on track to where you want to be. 

Groups - You may be painting the nursery, packing your hospital bag, and choosing the perfect car seat, but don't forget the importance of your own self-care! Prenatal and postpartum groups are available      to help develop skills and supports during this process.  Start now with taking care of yourself so that you can enjoy this time and be prepared to meet the needs of your little one when the time comes.

Additional services we provide:

  • Comprehensive, psychological and psychiatric evaluation
  • Stress reducing strategies; yoga, mindfulness training, meditation, and reiki
  • Family consultation and therapy

Specialized treatment:

  •  Medication management
  • Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation      
  •  Light therapy

We are honored to support you and your family during this special time in your lives! 

Visit our website or Facebook page to stay up-to-date on all of our programs and services:



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